Another good reason to join email is that we will pay you. You will receive one quarter of your current annual fee back for every person who joins our service on your recommendation. Imagine: if you recruit 4 new subscribers you get a year's free email.
Start now
Send a "change of email address" to your friends and contacts letting them know your new email address. Let them know that they can join too, and help you at the same time
Do you have friends who don't yet use email? Suggest they join email, even set them up their account if they're not computer confident
Perhaps your friends are stuck with an email address that ties them to their ISP or their work, or that receives a lot of spam. Tell them how they could benefit from an email address
Why not mention email in the footer of your emails straplines? eg
Most email programs and including our Webmail allow you to change your signature like this. Contact us if you need help
We don't lock in our subscribers (and refund time not used), so we can only credit your account after the person you recruited has been a subscriber for 6 months
In order to qualify both parties (the recruiter and the new subscriber) must confirm in writing or by email
Only one reward will be issued for any new subscriber recruited