Problem: I Need to Check My Email from Different Computers

I constantly use different computers to manage my emails but want to use an email client.


  I am currently using webmail
  I use different computers to check my mail, so I don't want to have permanent storage on one machine

Recommended Solution

Set up IMAP

The Internet Messaging Access Protocol (IMAP) is an alternative to POP3 that is often used where a single email account is being accessed via multiple computers. Unlike POP3 access, when IMAP is used emails are not downloaded. This means that the email remains on the webserver, but can still be manipulated by the local computer using Outlook or another email client. See Set up IMAP.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  IMAP is good when you have a large number of emails and want to avoid long download times encountered with POP3. Also enables access to the same email account from multiple locations

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