Problem: The SMTP server I use is unreliable

I am using either my ISP's SMTP server, or that of @home, but am experiencing difficulties sending email.


  I have an email account provided by my ISP that I use in addition to my @home account
  The outgoing mail service (SMTP server) provided by this ISP is unreliable or I am experiencing problems with the @home SMTP server
  My ISP does not restrict me in terms of SMTP server - i.e. I can use one other than theirs or at least I can use an alternate port for outgoing mail
  I am using Outlook to check both accounts

Recommended Solution

Switch to SMTP server

The easiest solution to this problem is to change your SMTP server. If you are currently using your ISP's SMTP server then you could switch to that of @home. Conversely if you are using the @home server and are having difficulties, you may opt to use your ISP's server. If your ISP prevents you from using third party SMTP servers, as is often the case, you may be able to overcome this limitation by using alternate ports for your outgoing mail. For details on how to change these settings see change SMTP settings.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Improved reliability for your outgoing mail

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