Problem: Difficulty Downloading Large Emails

I am using a dial up connection and find it difficult to retrieve large email.


  I am currently using Outlook
  I use a dial up connection
  I receive emails with large files attached

Recommended Solution

Configure Outlook for large messages

If you are using a dial up connection and you frequently receive messages with large files attached you may want to provide Outlook with specific instructions on how to handle these mails. If you fail to do this you may find that you spend a long time connected to the Internet downloading these files. How to configure Outlook for large mails.

Use webmail to delete large messages

If you are using a dial up connection and have configured Outlook to not download large emails, as described above, you will need to periodically check your mailbox using webmail. This will allow you to see any files that exceed your download size limitation. These can then either be read or deleted as appropriate.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Less time spent online downloading large mails that you don't actually require

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