Problem: Checking Email While on Holiday

I am going on holiday and want to configure Outlook so that I can check my email from the Internet while I am away.


  I am currently using Outlook or another email client to manage my email
  My current Outlook settings do not leave a copy of mail on the server
  I will not have a laptop available on holiday so will need to use other people's computers or an Internet café
  I would also like to tell others that I am away

Recommended Solution

Leave emails on server

When setting up Outlook the most common setting is to not leave a copy of your emails on the server, since this can result in your mailbox filling up. However, when you are away and don't have access to the computer that you normally use for emailing, you will need to ensure that a copy of your mail stays on the server so that you can check it using webmail. See Leave emails on server.

Set up a holiday message

If you are using email for professional reasons, or just want to let others know that you are away, you may want to set up a vacation message. All emails received will then get an auto reply from you, indicating that you are away and with your personalised message. Set up vacation message.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  You can easily check your email from any computer while away, but still continue to use Outlook when at home
  People who contact you know where you are and how often you are checking your mail.

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