Problem: Receiving Too Much Spam (Outlook)

I am using Outlook and find that I am receiving large volumes of spam mail in my inbox.


  I am currently using Outlook
  I receive large volumes of spam mail in my inbox
  I have not yet configured the spam settings for my account

Recommended Solution

Don't download spam mails

When downloading mails to Outlook you want to prevent spam mails from being included in this download. The easiest way to do this is to use the @home spam settings to store all spam mails in the spam folder. This folder will not be included in the downloading of mails to Outlook, so that you should find that your Outlook inbox has little to no junk mail. How to use Spam settings.

Use a third party email filter

If you find that the @home filter does not provide enough protection from spam, you may wish to purchase antispam software. There are many options available and most will work with Outlook or other email clients to stop spam completely.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Reduced amount of junk mail in your inbox
  If using dial up, less time spent online downloading spam

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