Switching My Existing Email Account to home.co.uk

I have an existing email account provided by my ISP (eg. BT) but want to switch to @home.co.uk


  My existing email account has POP3 access
  I am using Outlook or another email client and want to continue using this same client
  I have set up an @home.co.uk address and want to use this as my primary address
  I want to make a gradual transition from my old address to @home

Recommended Solution

Add another account to Outlook

It is possible to have multiple email accounts managed by a single instance of Outlook. This means that you can easily receive email from different accounts into a single mailbox. To do this you will need to add the details of the additional email account to Outlook. See Add account to Outlook.

Forward mails to @home account

Many webmail accounts allow you to set up mail forwarding, so that all emails received are automatically forwarded to another specified address. If you use this setting to forward all mails to your @home address, and then reply to mails from your @home account, you will be able to make a gradual transition to your new email address. To read how this is done for an @home account, see Set up mail forwarding.

Transfer your address book

Most likely you will want to transfer your address book from your old account to your new email. Details on exactly how to export your addresses will vary depending on your email provider, but it should be possible to export to the standard CSV format, which is used by both Outlook and @home. Read Transfer your address book.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Ensures that you don't miss mails sent to your old email account
  Enables a gradual transition from one account to another
  No need to re-input all of your email addresses

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Your New Email: @home.co.uk