I have already installed Outlook with either POP3 or IMAP access
I want to ensure my emails are sent and received securely
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol developed to securely transfer documents over the Internet. It uses a system of cryptography that relies on a public key, which is known by everyone, and a secret key known only to the recipient of the message. To use SSL you need to connect to @home's secure server (secure.emailsrvr.com) rather than the general mail.home.co.uk server used for POP or IMAP access. The steps below presume that you have already configured either POP or IMAP access with Outlook. If not see Set up Outlook or Set up IMAP.
Start up Outlook.
Select Tools->Accounts.
Select the account that you wish to change to SSL and click on Properties.
Click on the Servers tab. Change the text in the Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail fields to 'secure.emailsrvr.com'.
Next click on the Advanced tab. Change the server port number for Outgoing (SMTP) to 465.
For the outgoing server the port number will differ depending on whether you are using IMAP or POP3. If POP3 the Incoming Mail port number should be 995. If you are using IMAP change this setting to 993.
Place a check in the box beside 'This server requires a secure connection (SSL)' for both the Outgoing and Incoming mail servers.