Problem: Ensure my emails are secure

I am concerned about the security of the emails that I send and receive.


  I am using either webmail or Outlook

Recommended Solution

Use Outlook

If you are not already using Outlook, security concerns may give you another reason to opt out of using webmail and set up an email client. By nature these applications offer better security then webmail. For steps on setting up Outlook see Set up Outlook. Note that if you do not want to use Outlook because you are using different computers for emailing, you can always use IMAP instead of the more common POP3 access. See Set up IMAP.

Set up SSL

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol that is used to ensure your emails are sent securely. It helps ensure that your emails cannot be captured or read as they are sent across the Internet. SSL is not an option with all email providers, but @home includes this as a feature available with all of their email accounts. To use SSL see Set up SSL.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Confidence that the emails you send and receive cannot be read by anyone other than yourself

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