Problem: Forward Emails to Another Address

I want to forward my email to an alternative email address (e.g. because I am going away on holiday).


  I want someone else to handle my mails while I am away on holiday
  I want to continue using my @home address but will be using a different email account to access my mails

Recommended Solution

Forward all emails

All emails that you receive can automatically be forwarded to another address so that someone else can handle your email in your absence. For steps on how to set up mail forwarding see Set up mail forwarding.

Set up a vacation message

If you are using mail forwarding because you are going on holidays it is also useful to tell people that your mail has been forwarded. This can be done by creating a vacation message. See Set up vacation message.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Keeps people informed of where you are and how often you are checking your mail
  Makes it possible for someone else to handle your mail while you are away

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