Problem: Transition from @home email service

I want to make a gradual transition from @home to a new email provider.


  I have held my @home account for a period which is less than the full duration of the subscription
  I want to make a gradual transition from @home to my new email provider
  I am using Outlook

Recommended Solution

Contact @home for a refund

The @home email service comes with a money back guarantee, so we will refund you for time not used on your subscription. If you have had the account for less than 7 days we will return your subscription cost in full. See Refund Policy or please contact .

Set up mail forwarding

If you want to leave @home email you can keep your email address forwarding to your next email account free of charge for a period equal to the length of time you have been with us (subject to a year maximum). See Set up mail forwarding.

Transfer your address book

When leaving @home you may also wish to export your address book so that you can use it with your next email account. For details on how to do this see Transfer your address book.

Add another account to Outlook

It is possible to have multiple email accounts managed by a single instance of Outlook. This means that you can easily receive email from different accounts into a single mailbox. To do this you will need to add the details of the additional email account to Outlook. Add account to Outlook.

Set up reply address

Using Outlook it is possible to specify a reply address that is different to the incoming address. This means that someone could email you on your @home address, and provided that you have configured the 'reply address' as your new address all future replies will go to your new address. Set up reply address.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Friendly refund policy
  Ensures you don't miss any emails after closing your account
  Enables a gradual transition to your new email account

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