Problem: Using multiple email providers

I want to continue using the @home email interface but will use a different email address as my primary address.


  I have two email accounts, one of which is @home and the other is an address that I use as my main address (eg. a business domain name)
  I want to use the @home interface but do not want others to stop using my primary address
  I am using either Outlook or webmail

Recommended Solution

Set up mail forwarding

If you are using webmail, you will want to forward all mails received by your primary account to your @home address. This will eliminate the need for you to check email on this account using a different, non @home, interface. The specific steps to accomplish this will depend on your email provider, but it may be helpful to see how it is done using @home. Set up mail forwarding.

Add another account to Outlook

If you are using Outlook you do not need to bother forwarding emails, but instead you need to ensure that Outlook is configured to check for mails on both accounts. To do this you will need to add the details of the additional email account to Outlook. Add account to Outlook.

Set up reply address

Outlook users will also want to ensure that they have specified a reply address for mails sent from their @home email account. This address should be that of your primary email. Set up reply address.

Create a Signature/Identity

Setting up a signature or identity can also be extremely useful in these circumstances. These features enable you to automatically add standard text to all emails that you send. Including your primary email address on a signature for both email accounts will help make your two accounts appear as the same. If you use webmail see creating signatures and identities webmail or if you use Outlook see creating signatures and identities Outlook.


The benefits of using these settings are:
  Enables use of only one interface to manage multiple accounts
  Minimises confusion caused by multiple email addresses

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